Online Workshop
Friday 2 October 2020, 11.00-13.30 ΕΕST (10.00 CET)
Online Registration:
Following the first online workshop that opened the discussion about the first impacts of the covid-19 outbreak on key sectors of blue economy in the Black Sea region, held in June 2020, this workshop will offer an opportunity for an initial brainstorming on gaps and opportunities emerging from the results, best practices and lessons learned of projects with a regional dimension developed in the Black Sea in the sectors of coastal and maritime tourism, maritime transport, fishery and aquaculture, and digitalization.
The objective is to identify useful elements for future discussions on potential flagship projects that take in due consideration the existing and build on that, as well as the new scenarios and challenges imposed by the pandemic.
To this extent, the workshop is organized around 4 thematic sessions during which projects’ representatives are called to briefly present the projects in order to facilitate the following discussion that involves also the audience and to finally identify some joint conclusions. The thematic sessions will also include some projects from other sea basins in order to stimulate the exchange of experience on the same topic.
For the latest updates about the Workshop, please visit the
ICBSS website