Public Communication Strategy


Communication is essential for any organization to present its objectives, works, projects and achievements in a clear and coherent manner to its stakeholders and ultimately to the general public.
The communication activities of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) should be effective, relevant, forward looking, constructive and accurate.
The BSEC Public Communication Strategy should enhance the image of the Organization as an effective instrument that brings different actors from governmental and non-governmental level together, and by this, contributes to the development and well-being of the peoples of its Member States.
The BSEC Public Communication Strategy will highlight the work conducted by the BSEC Chairmanship-in-Office, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Sectoral Ministerial Meetings and BSEC Subsidiary Organs (Working Groups, Ad Hoc Working Groups, Groups of Experts and Steering Committees) as well as the BSEC Related Bodies.
As an intergovernmental economic cooperation organization, BSEC will conduct an active and a passive flow of information to its stakeholders and to the public.
Active flow of information: actively and directly inform in general, and where required, in detail, about its ongoing/ future work and projects
Passive flow of information: answer to specific questions from stakeholders and the public